Asphalt Repair Oklahoma

You work hard to keep your property in good shape. Like all other features on your commercial property, your asphalt parking lot needs regular maintenance and occasional repairs to stay usable, safe, and attractive. We at First Water Contracting always encourage our clients to contact us the minute they notice any problems with the asphalt surfaces on their property.

Signs To Look Out For

Timely intervention and the right fixes can go a long way in ensuring that your parking lot stays in the best condition at a reasonable cost. So how do you know when do you need to schedule repairs rather than just some basic maintenance? Here are some signs that you need asphalt parking lot repairs OKC:

Alligator Cracks- These are shallow surface cracks that cover large areas of the pavement. They are called alligator cracks because they resemble an alligator’s skin. More often than not, the affected asphalt would need full-depth reclamation. But this decision can be taken only once the asphalt contractor in OKC has assessed the situation.

Warping and Buckling- Look at your parking lot’s surface. If you see any wavy or uneven sections that could occur due to heavy vehicle use and/or a compromised base. These repairs aren’t very complex and can often be levelled with a layer of asphalt. But this decision can be taken only after the asphalt repairs OKC professionals have inspected the area for damage or deterioration. If the problem is too severe, the entire asphalt base may need to be replaced.

Drainage Problems- Any amount of lingering moisture can have a major impact on your asphalt pavement. The moisture will seep in through the surface layers and affect the materials used as binding agents. If you notice any puddles in your commercial parking lot, consult with an OKC asphalt contractor about problems like parking lot drainage. Leveling these spots reduces the chances of damage like potholes and cracks etc.

Sinkage- Asphalt paving sits on a compacted or crushed stone base. If this base material stats to erode, you might notice sinkage. This is more evident near buildings or outdoor structures, such as garage entrances and carports. If there is sinkage in the asphalt surfaces, it indicates that the downspouts are releasing water very close to the structure. This increases the impact on the asphalt in that space. In addition to asphalt repairs OKC, you might also need gutter repairs done.

The Best Asphalt Parking Lot Repairs OKC

Some other common signs that your asphalt parking lot needs repair are fading, stains, crumbling edges, and growing cracks. If you notice any or even a combination of these signs, you would need asphalt repairs without delay. Timely repair reduces the risk of large holes, vehicle damage, or asphalt replacement.

You will find that we offer the best asphalt surface repairs OKC services at the most cost-effective price points. If you’re looking for asphalt installation, maintenance or parking lot repairs OKC, we at First Water Construction can help. Give us a call at 405 664 6200 and we’ll help.


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